StripMeister E350X Maintenance

What type of grease should I use on my StripMeister E350X?
We only use one type of grease on our StripMeister machines and the grease can be found at any local hardware store.  The type of grease we use is a general...
Mon, 18 Oct, 2021 at 11:18 AM
I recently bought the StripMeister E350X model and was wondering if it came with gear oil already in it or if I had to buy my own before I could use it?
All of our machines come ready to use out of the box. Unpack your StripMeister and plug it in and begin stripping.
Mon, 18 Oct, 2021 at 11:18 AM
What type of maintenance is required on the StripMeister E350X?
Maintenance To ensure the smooth operation of your StripMeister E350X we recommend the maintenance of the following: Make sure the machine is unplugged be...
Mon, 18 Oct, 2021 at 11:20 AM